Mine more bitcoin at any power limit, optimize chip performance and increase ASIC lifespan with Braiins OS custom firmware. Designed for large-scale operations.
All major Bitmain Antminer models supported.
All Pool and management software agnostic.
Proven and reliable since 2018, Braiins OS has operated on hundreds of thousands of miners.
Over 1 gigawatt running Braiins OS.
Braiins’ entire company is SOC1 compliant.
Developing & improving firmware since 2018.
Multilingual technical support available.
Using our custom firmware, your machine will perform better on any power setting, earning you more bitcoin compared to stock firmware. Choose a flexible power strategy that fits your needs. All reported data based on Braiins testing. Individual performance may vary.
Choose a flexible power strategy that fits your needs. All reported data is based on Braiins’ testing. Individual performance may vary.
-500 Watts
-500 Watts
Only 1 lower power setting.
249 TH/s
Only 8% less hashrate
12.6 J/TH
7% higher efficiency
Default Power Limit
3 645 Watts
270 TH/s
13.5 J/TH
298 TH/s
10% more hashrate
12.2 J/TH
10% higher efficiency
+500 Watts
Restricted by the manufacturer completely.
314 TH/s
16% more hashrate
13.2 J/TH
2% higher efficiency
Choose a flexible power strategy that fits your needs. All reported data based on Braiins testing. Individual performance may vary.
-500 Watts
-500 Watts
Only 1 lower power setting.
205 TH/s
Only 13% less hashrate
14.7 J/TH
2% higher efficiency
Default Power Limit
3 510 Watts
234 TH/s
15 J/TH
248 TH/s
6% more hashrate
14.2 J/TH
6% higher efficiency
+500 Watts
Restricted by the manufacturer completely.
265 TH/s
13% more hashrate
15.1 J/TH
Only 1% lower efficiency
Choose a flexible power strategy that fits your needs. All reported data based on Braiins testing. Individual performance may vary.
-500 Watts
-500 Watts
Only 1 lower power setting.
187 TH/s
Only 2% less hashrate
16.6 J/TH
14% higher efficiency
Default Power Limit
3 610 Watts
190 TH/s
19 J/TH
204 TH/s
7% more hashrate
17.7 J/TH
7% higher efficiency
+500 Watts
Restricted by the manufacturer completely.
222 TH/s
17% more hashrate
18.5 J/TH
3% higher efficiency
Choose a flexible power strategy that fits your needs. All reported data is based on Braiins’ testing. Individual performance may vary.
-500 Watts
-500 Watts
Only 1 lower power setting.
95 TH/s
Only 8% less hashrate
27.0 J/TH
9% higher efficiency
Default Power Limit
3 068 Watts
104 TH/s
29.5 J/TH
107 TH/s
3% more hashrate
28.6 J/TH
3% higher efficiency
+500 Watts
Restricted by the manufacturer completely.
118 TH/s
14% more hashrate
30.2 J/TH
Only 2% lower efficiency
Installation is easy and fast. Get Braiins OS on your entire fleet with remote batch installation available via the Toolbox app, featuring a modern graphical user interface.
S21 Imm.
S21 XP Imm.
S19j XP
S21 XP
S21 Pro
S19 XP Hyd.
S19k Pro
S19j Pro+
S19j Pro
S19 (88)
S19 (126)
S19a Pro
S19 a
S19 XP
S19 Pro + Hydro
S19 Pro
S9 (base, i, j)
S17 (all variants)
By subscribing you agree with Privacy Policy.
All bitcoin mining pools are natively supported.
For more info go to FAQ
dev fee
Mine with zero pool fees on our pool in tandem with Braiins OS.
Hot weather can lead to overheating and thermal cycling, impacting hardware. Braiins OS dynamically scales performance to prevent overheating, prolonging the lifespan of your mining equipment and increasing the mining uptime.
When Running Hot
Braiins OS lets your ASICs thrive in freezing temperatures with adaptive preheating and a fine-tuned PID controller, ensuring efficient hashing without overcooling.
Braiins OS natively supports immersion mode, eliminating the need for fan spoofers, saving you time and money on immersion cooling solutions.
Our custom firmware can pause and resume mining much faster than stock firmware, enabling you to easily participate in demand response programs, increasing your profitability.
Making it easier than ever to run a professionalized mining operation
Via a feature called Autotuning, Braiins OS identifies stronger chips and assigns them more work. It tells weaker chips to do less, getting you more bitcoin on any power limit - regardless of your power strategy.
Take advantage of our gRPC-based APIs, easily compatible with your own in-house monitoring system.
Braiins can invoice via licensing to meet specific auditing requirements.
The first firmware ever providing users the benefits of Stratum V2: improved security and reduced data loads.
Batch install and configure miners remotely with our Toolbox app, featuring a modern graphical user interface.
Braiins OS simplifies error handling with unique codes, detailed descriptions, and helpful tips. Additionally, errors can be read through the public API for swift diagnostics.
For any specific B2B requests and partnership offers, please reach out to us.
Read about all features, documented in detail with user guides.
Yes, we are working to add support for new Antminer models. Sign up for email updates here.
Yes, you can mine with any pool, but Braiins Pool is the only one that has a fee discount for miners using Braiins OS.
When you use Braiins OS, we collect a 2-2.5% dev fee (depending on the hardware model) by directing that percentage of your hashing power to our pool. It’s up to you which pool you mine with for the remaining 97.5-98%. Note that the dev fee is never exactly the specified percentage of your total hashing power, as this number is always changing in real-time whenever you are mining. However, it will always remain within a fixed tolerance as described in the Link the License here.
When you mine with Braiins Pool using Braiins OS, you qualify for a 0% effective pool fee rate instead of the standard 2.5%. The fee is initially collected, but a rebate is applied based on the total hashrate generated by Braiins OS miners at the end of each day. If your entire fleet operates on Braiins OS, you’ll receive a full 100% refund of the pool fee.
The license is an agreement that you can use the product with a set dev fee. It is valid for one month, but it renews itself automatically, so you don’t need to do anything to continue using Braiins OS long-term. Terms of the license, dev fee, and other benefits of Braiins OS may be changed or amended from time to time, so please check our website regularly, as the renewed license will always be governed by the current version of terms and information published on our website. See the full license.
When you input your desired power consumption in Watts, our proprietary algorithms automatically calibrate the frequencies on each hashing chip to maximize hash rate.
In order to achieve the maximum possible hash rate uplift enabled by Braiins OS, you will need to increase your power consumption (W).
Simply set a lower power target in Watts.
The tuning usually takes between 1-9 hours to complete, depending on the type of control board, power limit specified and the quality of the chips in your device.
Stratum V2 prevents hashrate hijacking through a security scheme known as authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD). That means you don’t have to worry about backdoors in your modems that allow malicious third parties to silently steal your hash rate. Additionally, Stratum V2 makes several improvements in efficiency, bringing down your data bills and enabling new setups and use cases such as header-only mining. Learn more at stratumprotocol.org.
Click here to be redirected to the instructions on the Braiins Pool website.
Yes, both Braiins OS and Braiins OS are fully backwards compatible with Stratum V1. If you want to use V2 on your machines but your pool doesn’t support it, you can use a V2 -> V1 translation proxy (written in Rust) to do so. It’s available here.
The latest version of Braiins OS can be identified by the dates following the prefix, which are formatted as YY-MM for major releases. For example, a release of Braiins OS occuring in October 2021 would be named as Braiins OS 21.10. Minor releases (e.g. a small bug fix) will be identified sequentially following the YY-MM. For example, the first minor release following the major release above would be named Braiins OS 21.10.1. A second minor release would be named Braiins OS 21.10.2 and so on.
To check the authenticity and integrity of the downloaded files, download the following public key here and verify the image signature by GPG.
Yes we have a Braiins OS referral program. For more details please visit the Braiins Partner Program page.